
One of the principles of Good Governance is that those involved seek to continually grow and improve in their skills. The Institute operates a system of CPD which would require that members (Affiliate, Associate, Full and Fellows) engage in Governance and Strategy related Training and Development Programmes in addition to their Board membership.

These include training courses, attendance at conferences and workshops, writing articles, and similar activities assessed over a rolling two-year period. Failure to engage in a sufficient amount of CPD would make members ineligible to have their membership renewed.

Members must commit to undergoing a CPD Programme delivered in different ways.

  • Members must achieve 200 points over 2 years, and maintain this score as a minimum
  • Points can be achieved through training and other methods, with 50% minimum to achieved through training
  • Other means of achieving CPD points include attendance at events such as;
    • Relevant Conference
    • Industry Committees
    • Approved Industry meetings
    • Recognised Seminars
    • Other recognised training (Teagasc, Universities, Institutes)

A CPD system has three specific aims:

  • maintaining core professional knowledge and skills – keeping your core competence up to speed
  • developing professional skills – focus on building new skills and knowledge to increase your effectiveness
  • developing transferable skills – maintaining your broader management skills from communications to change management.

Compliance with the CPD Scheme will be obligatory for all members for the Institute, except Honorary Life Members.